On a trip some years ago, I took hundreds of photos (this was still in the film age) and when the exposures were developed, there were hundreds of pictures of birds, a few pictures of sites and scenery, two of my husband and none of me! (not a ranking of importance) As we say, this trip was just for the birds and more.
I have begun my quest to drive down every road from California...
for dancing Snowy Egrets
and White-faced Ibis
to New York Island for racing Sanderlings...
for popcorn eating Ring-billed Gulls from Michigan...
and to Texas for preening Roseate Spoonbills
and for egrets and herons
and for Sandhill Cranes at Bosque del Apache, New Mexico and many stops in between.
I have a glass picture with birds that says "Laugh often, Love much, Watch birds". Sometimes it is "For The Birds".