All colors of the rainbow are found in Texas flowers at Big Bend NP, Lost Maples SA, Seminole Canyon SP, Balcones Canyonlands NWR, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.
Texas Bluebonnet - Lupinus texensis (Pea Family - Fabaceae)
Honey Mesquite - Prosopis glandulosa (Mimosa Family - Mimosaceae)
Guayacan or Soapbush or Texas lignumvitae - Guajacum angustifolium
(Creosote-Bush Family - Zygophyllaceae)
Tree Tobacco - Nicotiana glauca (Potato Family - Solanaceae)
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Guajillo or Thornless Catclaw - Acacia berlandieri (Pea Family - Fabaceae)
Texas Persimmon - Diospyros texana (Ebony Family -Ebenaceae)
Texas Buckeye - Aesculus glabra (Horse-Chestnut Family - Hippocastanaceae)
Mexican Buckeye - Ungnadia speciosa (Soapberry Family -Sapindaceae)
Scarlet Leather Flower - Clematis texensis (Buttercup Family -Ranunculaceae)
Scarlet Leather Flower
Tropical Sage - Salvia coccinea (Mint Family -Lamiaceae)
Green False Nightshade - Chamaesaracha coronopus (Potato Family -Solanaceae)
Antelope Horns - Asclepias asperula (Milkweed Family -Asclepiadaceae)
Prairienymph - Herbertia lahue (Iris Family -Iridaceae)
Prairie Beard-tongue - Penstemon cobaea (Figwort Family -Scrophulariaceae)
Evening-Star Rain Lily - Cooperia drummondii (Lily Family -Liliaceae)
Evening-Star Rain Lily
Candellia or Wax Plant- Euphorbia antisyphilitica (Spurge Family -Euphorbiaceae)
Resurrection Plant or Flower of Stone - Selaginella lepidophylla
(Spike-Moss Family -Selaginellaceae)
This is a desert plant that grows rapidly after rains, but curls up into a dormant ball
when it lacks moisture.
The references and gear I used for this blog are:
Camera: Canon EOS 40D
Lens: Canon EF100-400mm F4.5-5.6L IS USM
Camera: Canon EOS 10D
Lens: Canon EF28-105mm F/3.5-4.5 II USM
Steiner 10x42 Predator Binoculars
The SIBLEY Guide to Birds
Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America
Kaufman Focus Guides - Butterflies
Butterflies through Binoculars The East
Butterflies ot the Great Lakes
Caterpillars of Eastern North America
Caterpilliars in the Field and Garden
Peterson Field Guides: Southwestern and Texas Wildflowers
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Native Plants of South Texas
All images © MSCI