In my previous posting on Feb 4 2009, I gave you the rules for a 6-letter code system developed by Bruce Bowman, Ann Arbor, Michigan and the 16 exceptions to the rules for the American Birding Association (ABA) list of birds.
In summary, here are the 4 rules for the ABA list.
1) One-word names -- use the first six letters or entire word if less than six characters.
2) Two-word names -- use the first three letters of each word.
3) Three-word names (hyphen creates a new word) -- use the first two letters of each word.
4) Four-word names (hyphen creates a new word) -- use the first letter of the first two words and the first two letters of the last two words.
The 5th rule is used to resolve any conflicts that remain. If the conflict occurs between species in the ABA list, then both species get a new code. If the conflict occurs between species in both the ABA list and the American Ornithologist's Union (AOU) list of 2048 species, then the AOU species gets a new code while the ABA species keeps the original code. If the conflict occurs between species only in the AOU list, then both species get a new code.
I also applied these rules to the 49th supplement of the AOU list. There are an additional 39 species to memorize with Bowman's rules. These fall into 2 groups.
The first group is where the conflict occurs between species in both the ABA and AOU lists. And as the 5th rule states, only the AOU species gets a new code. There are 13 species to learn and it is always the AOU species. I have placed the ABA species with which the conflict occurs in small print.
Black-banded Woodcreeper = BLBAWC ... (Black-backed Woodpecker = BLBAWO)
Black-chested Sparrow = BLCTSP ... (Black-chinned Sparrow = BLCHSP)
Black-crowned Tityra = BLCNTI ... (Black-crested Titmouse = BLCRTI)
Black-faced Grosbeak = BLFAGB ... (Black-faced Grassquit = BLFAGR)
Blue-chested Hummingbird = BLCTHU ... (Black-chinned Hummingbird - BLCHHU)
Golden-crowned Spadebill = GOCRSB ... (Golden-crowned Sparrow = GOCRSP)
Gray-headed Chachalaca = GHCHAC ... (Gray-headed Chickadee = GRHECH)
Green Hermit = GRHERM ... (Green Heron = GREHER)
Ivory-billed Woodcreeper = IVBIWC ... (Ivory-billed Woodpecker = IVBIWO)
White Tern = WHITTE ... (Whiskered Tern = WHITER)
White-tailed Trogon = WTTROG ... (White-tailed Tropicbird = WHTATR)
White-throated Spadebill = WHTHSB ... (White-throated Sparrow = WHTHSP)
White-thighed Swallow= WTHISW ... (White-throated Swift = WHTHSW)
The second group is where the conflict occurs between species in the AOU list only. And as the 5th rule states, both species get a new code. There are 26 species to learn.
Blue-black Grosbeak = BLBLGB
Blue-black Grassquit = BLBLGQ
Cinnamon Becard = CINNBE
Cinereous Becard = CINEBE
Cuban Parakeet = CUBAPK
Cuban Parrot = CUBAPR
Gray-crowned Woodpecker = GRCRWP
Green-crowned Woodnymph = GRCRWN
Green Manakin = GRMANA
Green Mango = GRMANG
Hispaniolan Parakeet = HISPPK
Hispaniolan Parrot = HISPPT
Rose-throated Tanager = RETHTA
Rosy Thrush-Tanager = RYTHTA
Rufous-breasted Wren = RUBTWR
Rufous-browed Wren = RUBWWR
Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher = RDTAFL
Rufous-tailed Flycather = RFTAFL
Strong-billed Woodcreeper = SGBLWO
Straight-billed Woodcreeper = STBLWO
Strickland's Woodpecker = STRKWO
Striped Woodpecker = STRPWO
White-fronted Quail-Dove = WFTQD
White-faced Quail-Dove = WFCQD
Yellow-billed Cardinal = YWBICD
Yellow-billed Cacique = YWBICQ
This really is an excellent system, if you are into using code.
All images © MSCI
In summary, here are the 4 rules for the ABA list.
1) One-word names -- use the first six letters or entire word if less than six characters.
2) Two-word names -- use the first three letters of each word.
3) Three-word names (hyphen creates a new word) -- use the first two letters of each word.
4) Four-word names (hyphen creates a new word) -- use the first letter of the first two words and the first two letters of the last two words.
The 5th rule is used to resolve any conflicts that remain. If the conflict occurs between species in the ABA list, then both species get a new code. If the conflict occurs between species in both the ABA list and the American Ornithologist's Union (AOU) list of 2048 species, then the AOU species gets a new code while the ABA species keeps the original code. If the conflict occurs between species only in the AOU list, then both species get a new code.
I also applied these rules to the 49th supplement of the AOU list. There are an additional 39 species to memorize with Bowman's rules. These fall into 2 groups.
The first group is where the conflict occurs between species in both the ABA and AOU lists. And as the 5th rule states, only the AOU species gets a new code. There are 13 species to learn and it is always the AOU species. I have placed the ABA species with which the conflict occurs in small print.
Black-banded Woodcreeper = BLBAWC ... (Black-backed Woodpecker = BLBAWO)
Black-chested Sparrow = BLCTSP ... (Black-chinned Sparrow = BLCHSP)
Black-crowned Tityra = BLCNTI ... (Black-crested Titmouse = BLCRTI)
Black-faced Grosbeak = BLFAGB ... (Black-faced Grassquit = BLFAGR)
Blue-chested Hummingbird = BLCTHU ... (Black-chinned Hummingbird - BLCHHU)
Golden-crowned Spadebill = GOCRSB ... (Golden-crowned Sparrow = GOCRSP)
Gray-headed Chachalaca = GHCHAC ... (Gray-headed Chickadee = GRHECH)
Green Hermit = GRHERM ... (Green Heron = GREHER)
Ivory-billed Woodcreeper = IVBIWC ... (Ivory-billed Woodpecker = IVBIWO)
White Tern = WHITTE ... (Whiskered Tern = WHITER)
White-tailed Trogon = WTTROG ... (White-tailed Tropicbird = WHTATR)
White-throated Spadebill = WHTHSB ... (White-throated Sparrow = WHTHSP)
White-thighed Swallow= WTHISW ... (White-throated Swift = WHTHSW)
The second group is where the conflict occurs between species in the AOU list only. And as the 5th rule states, both species get a new code. There are 26 species to learn.
Blue-black Grosbeak = BLBLGB
Blue-black Grassquit = BLBLGQ
Cinnamon Becard = CINNBE
Cinereous Becard = CINEBE
Cuban Parakeet = CUBAPK
Cuban Parrot = CUBAPR
Gray-crowned Woodpecker = GRCRWP
Green-crowned Woodnymph = GRCRWN
Green Manakin = GRMANA
Green Mango = GRMANG
Hispaniolan Parakeet = HISPPK
Hispaniolan Parrot = HISPPT
Rose-throated Tanager = RETHTA
Rosy Thrush-Tanager = RYTHTA
Rufous-breasted Wren = RUBTWR
Rufous-browed Wren = RUBWWR
Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher = RDTAFL
Rufous-tailed Flycather = RFTAFL
Strong-billed Woodcreeper = SGBLWO
Straight-billed Woodcreeper = STBLWO
Strickland's Woodpecker = STRKWO
Striped Woodpecker = STRPWO
White-fronted Quail-Dove = WFTQD
White-faced Quail-Dove = WFCQD
Yellow-billed Cardinal = YWBICD
Yellow-billed Cacique = YWBICQ
This really is an excellent system, if you are into using code.
All images © MSCI
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